Max. thickness:
Steel – 2,5 mm
stainless steel – 2,0 mm
aluminium – 4,0 mm
copper – 4,0 mm
Since 2000, we have employed the metal forming technologies. We employ rotary metal stamping, slip stamping, path stamping and depth drawing.
Our products will find application in these industries
Hydraulic cylinders, pressure vessels
Exhaust systems, bumpers, rims, pressure systems
Pots and covers, frying-pans, ladles...
Musical instruments, decorations, parabolas
Bottoms for boilers and pressure vessels
Strainers and hoppers, impermeable containers, tubes, particle separators
Cone, parabolic and cylindrical lamp-shades
Air conditioning ducts, fire dampers
Metal forming, depth drawing and pressing tools and fixtures
The sheet metal roundel is an input material and when forming, the return retainer has been used.
The pre-form or pipe is an input material. This technology allows the wall thickness to reduce and, at the same time, higher strength and accuracy have been achieved.
The sheet metal roundel is an input material and the technology has been employed in cones and hemispheres production.
We use progressive CNC technology, machining on vertical machining centers, lathes